photoSCHWEIZ 2021
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Caroline Boissier

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MISE EN SCENE IMPREVISIBLE DU SUJET A SON INSU - 2019 Life is a succession of unexpected events that escape our control. In this respect, photography is arguably not just chance but the medium through which one can tame reality and perturb the course of it. The project focuses on disrupted sequential movement and its repetitions. It explores how to capture the occurrence of a predetermined themed scenery when dependent on awaiting the unpredictable. And examines the balance of these subjects in motion apposed to static ones through different media. The subjects of the works are irrelevant as their nominal definition. They are rather consciously selected for their motion characteristics and aesthetic features, and utilized as a performative vehicle to achieve the visual intended effect. Mixed media pieces of screen printing and inkjet print transparencies explore this concept through color gradation, linear disruption and superposition. Unique Edition + 2AP --- Please contact me if interested: / 079 337 31 73 Full project on website -